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Historical Record of the

Mid-Atlantic Rally

MAR 1994.jpg

1994 - Penlan Farm

Buckingham County, VA

Workhorse of the World - Rally, BBQ, and Storm


We had draft horses at Penlan doing a demonstration dragging logs and such as well as a Series vehicle doing similar stuff. 

MAR 1995a.jpg

1995 - Penlan Farm

Buckingham County. VA

Built Like a Locomotive


We rented the Buckingham Branch Railroad passenger train. A Land Rover caravan including a 101 from Canada took us all down to the old Penlan Station site where we boarded the train for a ride to a picnic site near the James River catered by the C&O Restaurant.  The train ride included a "train robbery" by the local Tom Mix Rangers group on horseback. The rally included the off road demonstration track at Penlan (including the Gensing Bog and creek crossing), teetertotter and blindfold obstacle course.

1996 MAR.jpg

1996 - Penlan Farm

Buckingham County, VA

In the Beginning....


We rented the local drive-in movie theater for a private club showing of "The God's Must Be Crazy". 1950's or Australian Outback attire was encouraged.  We had over 85 LR's filling up the drive in!


1997 - Penlan Farm

Buckingham County, VA

Elegance In The Rough


We decorated the tent in an upscale manner and the evening's entertainment included a jazz band. We had an award for the best creative black tie attire. Fireworks finished off the evening.


1998 - Penlan Farm

Buckingham County, VA

A Dog Day Afternoon


The theme came about partly because we had up until that rally had asked folks not to bring their dogs because we were worried about the pet's safety. We finally gave up the loosing battle and that became the theme. It was to be the last rally where we camped at Penlan. We used Pearl's Pond trails during the day

MAR 1999 Wide.JPG

1999 - Pearl's Pond

Arvonia, VA

Clan Cudiheagh O’ Usquebeath O'Corn


We had a marching bagpipe band along with single malt whiskey tasting

MAR 2000 Wide.JPG

2000 - Pearl's Pond

Arvonia, VA

30th Anniversary of the Range Rover


Photo Gallery

MAR 2002 Wide.JPG

2002 - Pearl's Pond

Arvonia, VA

Rovers On This Side of the Pond

I think this is the only ROAV T-Shirt with a Freelander on it - and it is front a center.

ROAV Logo Transparent.gif

2001 - Pearl's Pond

Land Rovers On Safari

Seeking event logo and stories from this event.

MAR 2003 Wide.jpg

2003 - Pearl's Pond

Arvonia, VA

Seeking theme name or stories from this year's event.

MAR 2004 Wide.JPG

2004 - Pearl's Pond 

Land Rover Special Vehicles

MAR 2007 Wide.JPG

2007 - Pearl's Pond 


The theme and logo of this year's MAR was dedicated to the trucks and owners that survived the last two year's of events.

Photo Gallery (Shawn René)

2005 MAR Wide.jpg

2005 - Pearl's Pond 

Arvonia, VA

30th Anniversary of ROAV


Photo Gallery

2006 MAR Wide.jpg

2006 - Pearl's Pond 

Arvonia, VA

A Virginia Safari


Hurricane Isaac - I think it rained 10 inches over the day on Saturday. 

Photo Gallery

MAR 2008.jpg

2008 - Oak Ridge 

Arrington, VA

Land Rover's 60th Anniversary

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery (Shawn René)

MAR 2009.jpg

2009 - Broadus Farm 

Caroline County, VA

Photo Gallery

Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock!

This was the year of the Federal government's Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS), colloquially known as "cash for clunkers", program.

2010 MAR Wide.JPG

2010 - Willow Hill Farm 

Arvonia, VA

Celebrating 35 Years


35th Anniversary of the ROAV


Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery (Shawn René)

2011 MAR Wide.JPG

2011 - Willow Hill Farm 

Arvonia, VA

Elegance in the Rough (reboot)

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery (Shawn René)

MAR 2012 Wide.JPG

2012 - The Cove

Gore, VA

This year, the MAR joined forces with the Conclave hosted by Lucky 8 at The Cove. The club had lost access to land at Pearl's Pond, Willow Hill Farm, and at Broadus Farm. We were on the look out for a new home for the MAR.

Event Logo 2013.jpg

2013 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

Photo Gallery

ROAV Member Sam Moore granted access to ROAV to use Wheatland Farm as the new home of the MAR.

MAR 2014 Wide.JPG

2014 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

Photo Gallery

MAR 2015 Wide.JPG

2015 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

A hurricane forecast prevented big top tent from being set up. The Saturday evening activities took place in the Newport Community Center. (Hurricane Joaquin)

Photo Gallery

MAR 2016 Logo.png

2016 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

Photo Gallery

Lucky 8 gave a demonstration on vehicle recovery using a donated white Discovery.

MAR 2017 Wide.JPG

2017 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

Photo Gallery

MAR 2018 Logo Medium.jpg

2018 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

This is the first year of pipeline construction. The weather was good and dry, as well.

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery (Photos Courtesy Kevin Smith)

MAR 2019 Decal.jpg

2019 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

In stark contrast to previous MAR events, the weather was extremely dry. Giles County had issued a burn ban for outside fires due to the drought conditions - so no campfires this year. Bill Burke was a featured guest and offered several classes on recovery techniques.

Photo Gallery​

MAR 2020 Decal.jpg

2020 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

The 2020 MAR was held under global pandemic conditions as the COVID-19 virus gripped the world. This was also the year that the ROAV sponsored the Oxford in America Sea to Shining Sea Expedition with the world famous Oxford Rover stopping in at the MAR!

Photo Gallery (TBD)


2021 - Wheatland Farm 

Giles County, VA

Rally Logo.JPG

2022 - Little George Rod and Gun Club (Pearl's Pond) 

Buckingham, VA

Event Decal PP.jpg

2023 - Little George Rod and Gun Club (Pearl's Pond)

Buckingham, VA

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2024 - Little George Rod and Gun Club (Pearl's Pond) 

Buckingham, VA

30th Anniversary of MAR

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